Request for Return Material Authorization (RMA)
From time to time, our customers may need assistance in diagnosing or repairing a non-functional part. The Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) request process has been established to enable our customers to ship the unit back to Cascadia Motion for evaluation and repair (when possible).

The RMA process below facilitates a timely return, evaluation, and repair (when possible). The process may take 4 to 6 weeks.

RMA Process

Step 1

Before requesting an RMA, please send the following details to
  • Product Part number
  • Product Serial number
  • Detailed Problem description/reason for RMA
  • Usage history
  • EEPROM backup of the inverter settings from RMS GUI
Our team will work with you to diagnose and hopefully resolve your issue. If the issue cannot be resolved, we will ask that you submit a Request for RMA using the link in step 2.

Step 2

In the event that diagnostics and troubleshooting with our team is not successful, they may ask that you submit a request to our RMA team for an RMA. To request an RMA, please click the "Submit Request for RMA" link below and fill out all of the information that is requested and submit. Cascadia Motion will generate RMA Instructions and Authorization forms and email them to the customer with instructions. Do not return any items before receiving those documents. After receiving the forms, please do the following:
  • Inverters returned with coolant leaks in the packaging are subject to a $450 cleaning and waste disposal fee. Please avoid this by ensuring all coolant is drained, flushed with water, and purged with air prior to returning. Seal coolant ports (i.e., install caps). Consult local authority for proper coolant disposal/recycling.
  • Package properly. Avoid bubble wrap, shredded cardboard, newspaper, packing peanuts or other methods unsuitable for protecting heavy items.
  • Place a copy of the RMA forms inside the box.
  • Ship to the address as instructed on the RMA forms with all taxes, tariffs, etc. paid.
  • Unless Cascadia Motion determines the cause to be from a manufacturing defect or workmanship, or otherwise elects to make an exception, the following costs are the responsibility of the customer:
    • Shipping costs to and from Cascadia Motion, including taxes, tariffs, fees, etc.
    • A $650 Diagnostics and troubleshooting fee is applied to each RMA (1 part/each), regardless of ability to repair.

Step 3

Once the product has arrived at our facility:
  • The hardware will be unpackaged & visually inspected, followed by analysis and troubleshooting.
  • Once complete, the customer will be provided with a written indication of findings and a Quotation for the estimate of the repair. The estimate aids the customer in their decision to continue. If instructed to repair, the actual repair cost may vary. For this reason, the RMA technician will stop work if it appears the communicated estimate will be exceeded and notify the customer of the revised estimate to decide the path forward.
  • After receiving the written indication of findings & estimate the Customer must respond to the quotation/estimate with a PO indicating their intent to proceed.
  • The fees described in step 1 apply regardless.

Step 4

After customer has provided a Purchase Order for the repair:
  • Hardware will be repaired as instructed.
  • Inverter will be reprogramed and checked via automated functional tests.
  • An invoice for all repairs is sent to customer for payment.
  • Shipping to customer is arranged according to the details provided in step 2.
Cascadia Motion reserves the right to dispose of any hardware left unclaimed or unpaid after 3 months from hardware received date.